Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

Aging and Stress Solutions: 6 Tips for a Joyful Life

  Aging and Stress Solutions: 6 Tips for a Joyful Life I think we’d all agree that life today—natural disasters, global unrest, economic uncertainty—creates a stress response within. Since it’s proven that stress is the single factor most responsible for illness, anxiety and depression, I’d like to introduce you to 6 of the scientifically-proven practices […]

Positive Psychology Video on Youtube: Harvard’s Tal Ben-Shahar Presents

Positive Psychology Teaches  How to Find Fulfillment and Happiness after Fifty Did you know that 40% of your happiness is up to you? You can raise your “happiness set point”  by learning simple, proven habits and attitudes. My forthcoming book, Joy after Fifty, is based on those principles and practices from the field of positive […]

Aging, Happiness and Life Success Part 2: Tips for a Boomer’s Mental Health

 Tips to ensure happiness and true success as we age. This is my Mexican friend, Camila, who finds joy as a singer extraordinaire, wife and mom. The company of women friends is “good medicine” for the spirit! 5 Mistakes to Avoid for Joy after Fifty:  Procrastinating: The antidote to fear and avoidance is action. Remember this […]

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