Monday Morning Motivation: I AM, a New Movie, Is Inspiration for Humanity

A Must-See Life-Changing Documentary called  “I Am” Gives Hope for the Future

On its way to Los Angeles and New York, this amazing movie  starts out asking  two questions:


  1. What is Wrong with the World?
  2. What Can We Do About It?


It shifts, however, to evidence of:

What’s Right with the World? (based on scientific research)

  1. We are all connected. Click to read about “mirror neurons”.
  2. Cooperation is basic to animal and human nature.
  3. Sympathy is the strongest trait in human nature. (Darwin)
  4. We are hard-wired for compassion.
  5. The heart, not the brain, is the CEO of the human organism.
  6. Practicing love and empathy leads to effectiveness and productivity.
  7. We are have the power to effect change in our world.

Click to read about the director, Tom Shadyak.

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Here’s the trailer:

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