New Year’s Passion, Joy and Love in 2012: Advice From Harriet Tubman and Mari Smith


Dream Big in 2012

Inspiration from Harriet Tubman and Mari Smith for 2012

I love the start of a new year with that feeling of newness and  possibilities waiting to happen. It’s a great time to activate your dreams.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars
to change the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman

Mari Smith,  social media expert, inspired me to  adopt a new practice for 2012. She says, “As a practice, each year I like to choose just one word as a theme for the following year. I’ve been doing this ritual for the last five years and have found it to be extremely powerful. The word becomes like a silent mantra, and a guide for both small and major decisions, and can often precipitate quantum leaps.”

My word for 2012 is TRUST! I tend to over-think decisions. This year I am going to respond with a Yes! to opportunities that come into my life, trusting that they are coming to me for a reason. Unless I sense that the opportunity is harmful  in some way, I am going to RSVP with a “yes” to the doors that open to me. Already I feel freedom and curiosity, as I respond to invitations to offer book signings and talks.

What word would you choose? What is the essence of a quality that will support you in manifesting your dreams in 2012—in being happier, more fulfilled— no matter your age or life circumstances? Pause a moment and identify your word. Will you share it with us by commenting below?

I also invite you to take a pledge to make time for joy this year: dance, sing, travel, walk in nature, and, of course, read my book, Joy After Fifty: A Woman’s Guide to Passion, Purpose and Lasting Happiness. Click here for information/to order.

May  love and joy nourish you in the coming year and may you be  supported in realizing your dreams!

With love,





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4 Responses to “New Year’s Passion, Joy and Love in 2012: Advice From Harriet Tubman and Mari Smith”

  1. mp says:

    Hey, who are those beautiful blondes? yeah, that’s what I;m talking about. love ya,

  2. Barb says:

    Hi, my dear Connie.

    I’m sitting here on the back porch, in the sunshine. A squirrel is gleaning whatever sunflower seeds have fallen from the bird feeder that’s suspended from the clothes line.

    Then I got a call from a collections agency which informed me that someone used my Macy’s store card…and now it’s almost all dark!

    My word is Peace, or, my word is Consciousness. I would like a word that means both. Each includes the other, is what I’m thinking. Perhaps ‘one word’ will emerge, perhaps not!

    Love to you.
    And thank you so much, Chica!, for the birthday card!!



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