Monday Morning Motivation: 5 Ways to Please Your Lover on Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! The word “Valentine” seems to conjure images of candy hearts, chocolate, and flowers. But there are more genuine, heartfelt and meaningful gifts to bestow upon your partner on February 14 (as well as throughout the year!)

The 5 Love Languages is a book by marriage counselor Gary Chapman, which identifies five different ways of “expressing and interpreting” love. Do you know which of the following ways of  expressing love makes your  partner feel most loved? ? Have you identified which you prefer?

Here are some tips for expressing your love in each of 5 modalities or “languages” identified by Dr. Chapman:

  1. TIME – Be giving with your time. Set aside frequent moments to ask about their day, their thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc. Committing your undivided attention by shutting off the laptop, cell phone, TV, or radio is truly one of the best ways to say, “I love you.”
  2. KIND GESTURES – This can be anything from a shoulder massage, preparing dinner, or doing the dishes. These gestures are all about performing simple, selfless acts that make life easier for your partner.
  3. TOUCH – Physical touch is not always about eroticism or sexual pleasure. A hug, squeeze, hand-holding, or gentle caress are also very important ways of expressing intimacy, care, and affection.
  4. VERBAL AFFIRMATION – Don’t let your innermost positive emotions go unsaid. Get into a daily habit of voicing affection and praise to your loved one. No matter how many times you’ve said it before, they can never hear it enough.
  5. GIFTS – This doesn’t have to be the clichĂ© chocolate and roses mentioned earlier. A small, thoughtful gift or gesture can go a long way. Whether it’s renting a well-loved movie, a scarf in their favorite color, or a box of their favorite tea. A well-chosen gift tells someone that you are paying close attention to them, and that they matter.

Just For Singles: This video of Dr. Chapman describes his book on applications of the 5 love languages for singles.

I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day filled with love. xoxox Connie


Please share your favorite love language or other comments on LOVE!


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