Posts Tagged ‘women over 50’

Joy is the New Success: Keys to Health, Love, Creativity and Longevity

Joy is the new success in life and work! From my studies of the fields of positive psychology and the science of happiness, I have deepened my respect for the essential nature of  joy in our lives. It’s now proven that people who know how to activate inner joy are more successful in all areas […]

Sex for Women over 50, 60, 70+: Lovemaking and Passion as You Age

Women, Sex and Aging: Tips and Tools for more Enjoyment It’s long been acknowledged that for human beings, sex is a need, not a luxury. So how do we deal with some of the common problems related to sex and aging? These can include diminishing sex drive (which is unfortunately much more common among women), […]

Overcome Stress and Depression: Nature as Therapy

How Can Women over 50 Reduce Stress and Depression? Take a Hike! A staggering 80% of us live in urban areas — a statistic that illustrates just how many of us might be disconnected from the natural world. This is a shame, as studies have repeatedly shown that our psychological well-being is heavily impacted by […]

Positive Psychology Video on Youtube: Harvard’s Tal Ben-Shahar Presents

Positive Psychology Teaches  How to Find Fulfillment and Happiness after Fifty Did you know that 40% of your happiness is up to you? You can raise your “happiness set point”  by learning simple, proven habits and attitudes. My forthcoming book, Joy after Fifty, is based on those principles and practices from the field of positive […]

Resilience in Sendai, Japan: Hope, Caring, and Love Triumph Over Devastation

The human spirit triumphs after devastating earthquake and tsunami. To start your week on an up note, I offer you a letter written by an American woman in Japan–a story of love, compassion, caring and strength. In these troubling times, I feel that we need stories like this to remind of the goodness that lives […]

Healthy Aging for Active Women: Superfoods for Beauty, Longevity and Vitality

We’ve all heard that regular exercise is a miraculous way to stay vital and healthy. We know it boosts our mood, our sex lives, prevents chronic health problems, and aids in weight loss and high quality sleep. So, if you’re one of the many women working to stays active as you age, well done! But […]

Monday Morning Meditation for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims: Send Healing Prayers

Meditation for Inner Peace: Sending Our Love to Japan What can we do? Maybe you are feeling, as I have been, so saddened and powerless to help the victims of the horrific earthquake and tsunami  in Japan. I feel as though there are no words to express the sorrow I feel…and the helplessness. At least […]

Lower Blood Pressure, Improve Mental Health, Live Longer: Stress Relief Tips

How to Reduce Stress, Increase Happiness and Longevity… Stress is the leading cause of dis-ease! It can cause headaches, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, fatigue, poor concentration, memory problems AND it can take years off your life! Yikes… What can you do to relieve these debilitating symptoms? Plenty, as it turns out. […]

Love and Peace to Sisters Around the World: 100 Years of International Women’s Day!

My Vision, Hope and Prayer: Power, Peace, Freedom and Happiness  for All Women! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s pause right now, close our eyes and send a beam of love to the hearts of all women everywhere–especially to our sisters who struggle most with inequality, poverty and violence. See your love and compassion surrounding all women, everywhere— all […]

International Women’s Day: Progressive Equality and Rights for Sisters Worldwide

100 Years of  Advances in Women’s Rights and Equality: A Tradition of Global Celebrations… Did you know: Next  Tuesday, March 8, is the Centenary Year of International Women’s Day? It is a day, celebrated around the world, for the economic, political and social accomplishments of women throughout history, while reminding us of inequalities that remain […]

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