Posts Tagged ‘Women’s blogs’

Remembering Helen Keller: A Woman of Optimism, Resilience and Life Success

Inspiration from Helen Keller on Her Birthday I hope you enjoy this video and the quotes below. When I am feeling challenged in my life, I find inspiration in the life and wisdom of this remarkable woman—a model of courage, grace and determination to transform her “limitations” into a life purpose in service to humanity. […]

Happy Mother’s Day: Celebrating With Gratitude, Love and Memories

Honoring and Remembering Our Mothers ** “A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” ~Honoré de Balzac As I write this, I am looking at a photo of my mother, Bertie, whose smile lit up the world. She brought a […]

Money Management for Women 50+ : Suze Orman on Financial Planning for Retirement

A recent AARP survey revealed that 60% of seniors have had to change their retirement plans as a result of the economic downturn. Although these numbers might dismay us, there is much we can do to ease financial hardship down the road. Financial planning expert Suze Orman’s new book: The Money Class: Learn to Create […]

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