It would be hard to imagine reaching middle age and not having had some experience which leaves a residue of inner toxicity. Life brings miscommunications, mistreatment, mistakes.

 Try this experiment: Right now, think of someone toward whom you feel anger, resentment, or bitterness. If it’s not terribly uncomfortable, close your eyes and envision the face of that person. Most importantly, notice the shift in your inner state.

  • What thoughts arise?
  • What feelings arise out of those thoughts?
  • How does your body respond?
  • Where do you feel the stress response?

Who really suffers the effects of unforgiven events or people ?  It’s been said that resentment is like drinking poison, hoping someone else would die. An aweful thought!

 Forgiveness is an act of self-love and self-care. While the behavior may be unforgiveable, consider the benefits of forgiving the person. Feelings of resentment create stress and inner dis-ease.  Stress accelerates aging and inhibits longevity!

A “Ritual” of  Forgiveness for Cleansing and Full  Vitality:

  • Bring a stone to a quiet spot.
  • Light a candle to represent cleansing.
  • Sit with eyes closed, envisioning the face of the one you resent.
  • Make a decision to forgive him/her.
  • Pour all the toxic feelings into the stone.
  • Bury or throw the stone into a body of water.
  • Celebrate you new freedom.
  • Repeat these steps, forgiving you for any judgements you’ve held!

CONTACT CONNIE FOR CUSTOM  DESIGNED “RITUALS”: unforgettable significant birthdays; courage in transitions; empowerment for new projects, relationships (click CONTACT tab above)




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