International Women’s Day: Progressive Equality and Rights for Sisters Worldwide

100 Years of  Advances in Women’s Rights and Equality: A Tradition of Global Celebrations…

Women celebrate at a coffee ceremony in Ethiopia

Women rallying in Taiwan

Last year women attended a Women's Day rally in Afghanistan!

Did you know: Next  Tuesday, March 8, is the Centenary Year of International Women’s Day? It is a day, celebrated around the world, for the economic, political and social accomplishments of women throughout history, while reminding us of inequalities that remain in the present. This year’s theme is: Equal access to education, training and science and technology: a pathway to decent work for women.

International Women’s Day was born amid the vast expansion and unrest caused by industrialization. As the population rose, so did a demand for equal rights and suffrage for women. In March of 1911, over one million individuals rallied for an end to discrimination against women, and their rights to employment, suffrage, and public office. One hundred years later, International Women’s Day is an official holiday in 27 countries.

On International Women’s Day, thousands of events worldwide seek to inspire women and celebrate their successes. They range from business and networking conferences, political rallies, even local craft and performing arts fairs. Check the official website for International Women’s Day events in your area:

If you cannot make it to an event, that’s okay! To celebrate, just  take a moment to acknowledge and/or express gratitude to the amazing women in your life (e.g. leaders, mentors, friends, mothers, grandmothers) and honor their achievements— (I think of Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa and Helen Keller) as well as your own! Happy International Women’s Day  to you and to the women you love!

Love, joy and freedom to women everywhere!!


(Photo credits: ILRI, princeroy, isafmedia)

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