Aging and Stress Solutions: 6 Tips for a Joyful Life


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Aging and Stress Solutions: 6 Tips for a Joyful Life

I think we’d all agree that life today—natural disasters, global unrest, economic uncertainty—creates a stress response within. Since it’s proven that stress is the single factor most responsible for illness, anxiety and depression, I’d like to introduce you to 6 of the scientifically-proven practices that contribute to your joy and wellbeing.

Based on research from “positive psychology” and the “science of happiness”, the following tips are easy, quick and proven effective! You can find more than 200 joy-boosting actions  in my book: Joy After Fifty: A Woman’s Guide to Passion, Purpose and Lasting Happiness.

1. Identify what’s working. At the end of a challenging day, when you feel stressed about what didn’t get accomplished, how you didn’t measure up, who disappointed you, simply name 3 things that went well that day. Practicing this during the day restores wellbeing, revives energy and increases effectiveness.

2. Savor life’s joys. Relive happy memories by closing your eyes, activating all 5 senses and re-experiencing the happiness. Become exquisitely mindful of the present-moment delights— the face of a loved one, the flavors of food, a birdsong, a sunset. Savor future experiences by anticipating them with enthusiasm.

3. Express Gratitude. More effective than writing a gratitude list as an antidote to negative emotions, is the verbal communication of your gratitude. Write a letter of appreciation on beautiful stationery to a mentor, a loved one, a colleague, a friend for whom you are truly grateful. If they are within driving distance, make a “gratitude visit”. Read the letter to them slowly, with sincerity, making eye contact. For those at a distance, a Skype or phone call is also effective.

4. Practice acts of kindness. Throughout the day, really connect with those you encounter. Ask the barista about her family as she prepares your latte, smile at strangers, offer to carry someone’s groceries, listen deeply to someone in need, give a gift for no reason. Nurturing social connections through kindness brings joy to both giver and receiver.

5. Condition your brain for joy. Slow down. Be still. Meditate. Walk silently in nature. Sing. Chant. Dance. Exercise. Avoid overthinking. Take action. Be of service. Discover Positive Psychology. Join a Laughter Yoga group. Cultivate optimism. Quit multitasking. Read inspirational literature. Rest. Play.

6. Practice Self-Love. Treat yourself as a lover. Be kind, tender, and patient. Praise, nurture, and love yourself first. Follow your heart. Choose to be happy.



Joy After 50+ Women’s Retreat,  October 25-27, 2013. Sonoma Ca. at the wonderful Westerbeke Ranch.



Joyful blessings to you!




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