Aging, Happiness and Life Success Part 2: Tips for a Boomer’s Mental Health

 Tips to ensure happiness and true success as we age.

This is my Mexican friend, Camila, who finds joy as a singer extraordinaire, wife and mom. The company of women friends is “good medicine” for the spirit!

5 Mistakes to Avoid for Joy after Fifty:

  1.  Procrastinating: The antidote to fear and avoidance is action. Remember this acronym for fear: False Evidence Appearing Real! When I am feeling frustrated and/or “down” I ask myself, “What am I avoiding?” “What action can I take that will lift my mood?” One sure bet for feeling better is to reach out to someone in need. It never fails. I feel better and more likely to have the energy for whatever I am procrastinating about. If you are in a stuck place…and we’ve all been there…just do something. And, of course, I recommend asking for help. My mentors, friends and colleagues have given me the strength to move ahead on my goals. Who or what is supporting you?
  2. Not having the tools to access happiness, no matter what: This is not your fault. Most people still have not heard of the science of happiness: the body of research that offers proven strategies for activating a state of joy and well-being, regardless of external circumstances. I have specialized in the strategies that really empower my clients to choose, yes, choose, to be happy. Contact me for  more information.
  3. Not making time to be still: Information overload, endless to-do lists, techno-stress and trying to keep up with all the demands of life today leave most of us in great need for balance and inner peace. I find that 5 minute breaks, eyes closed, focusing on deep, slow breathing re-energizes. My clients are busy professional people. I love to custom-design daily morning practices and mini breaks that ensure their vitality and effectiveness throughout the day. I believe that, once you begin such a practice that’s just right for you, you’ll be amazed by the increase in energy and happiness!
  4. Neglecting to make time for free therapy: Nature is free and it’s guaranteed, for most people, to restore balance, to increase brain function and boost creative thinking and happiness. My weekly visit to a nearby lake melts the stress, revives a sense of wonder, opens my heart and revives my spirit. Even if you live in a city, I so encourage you to make time to be outside in a park or other special spot.
  5. Forgetting your blessings: When the challenges of life mount up, it’s so easy to slip into focusing on what’s not working. Remember that what you appreciate appreciates! Before getting out of bed each morning, I send love and gratitude to all parts of my body. I am convinced that that simple ritual of appreciation has kept me well as the flu season goes into full swing. Aren’t we fortunate to have shelter, food, transportation, family, friends, gardens, eyesight, art, music….what are the blessings in your life?

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