Posts Tagged ‘Meditation’

Monday Morning Meditation for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims: Send Healing Prayers

Meditation for Inner Peace: Sending Our Love to Japan What can we do? Maybe you are feeling, as I have been, so saddened and powerless to help the victims of the horrific earthquake and tsunami  in Japan. I feel as though there are no words to express the sorrow I feel…and the helplessness. At least […]

Lower Blood Pressure, Improve Mental Health, Live Longer: Stress Relief Tips

How to Reduce Stress, Increase Happiness and Longevity… Stress is the leading cause of dis-ease! It can cause headaches, gastrointestinal problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, fatigue, poor concentration, memory problems AND it can take years off your life! Yikes… What can you do to relieve these debilitating symptoms? Plenty, as it turns out. […]

Manage Stress and Improve Memory: Meditation and Brain Boosters

Manage Stress and Promote Brain Health: Are you noticing lapses in your memory—especially short term memory? I used to remember people’s names with ease! Today, not so. Do you walk into a room and wonder why you’re there? I am often looking for my glasses. Once, while searching,  I realized they were on my head! […]


WINTER SOLSTICE MEDITATION: Nature, Music and the Promise of Spring >>>SUBSCRIBE NOW: Inspiration and Information for Women 50+<<<

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